
Wedding Song Choice

This week has been a busy week with the wedding preparations! All of the big stuff is done yet what remains is all the little details that makes a wedding special. So today after Facebooking guest to bug them to RSVP I came back to thinking about the soundtrack of me wedding day.

Here is a list of the songs I love. I need to pick 1 for my official song and 3 to be part of a wedding slide show featuring us growing up, pics of our wedding party, family and friends as well as our Engagement Pics. Who knew it would be so hard to pick a wedding song. Here are songs being considered.

1. Blue Rodeo- Lost Together

2. Chris Cornell- Finally Forever

3. Tesla- Caught up in a Dream

4. Van Morisson Featuring Bob Dylan- Crazy Love

5. Sam Roberts Featuring Matt Mays- Uprising Down Under

6. Pearl Jam- Just Breathe
* This is the song that appears on our Wedding Website

7. Rolling Stones- Wild Horses

8. Poison- Nothing But a Good Time
*There is a story behind this
My fiancé is obsessed with The Simpsons and my favorite episode is one called Mad Mad Mad Marge. Otto gets a Poison Tribute Band and I remember telling my fiancé if we were to get married that we would need to get a Poison Tribute Band at ours.

9. The Gaslight Anthem- Cassanova Baby
A band we both love. Reminds me of roadtriping to Montreal.

10. For my last one I had to break it down to 2 songs that both have a story behind it.
Led Zeppelin- Hey Hey What Can I do

The Tragically Hip- Bobcageon

25 Reasons Being Engaged Rocks!

So my wedding countdown is now 25 days to go!
I will definitely miss being engaged and here is 25 reasons why it has been so much fun :)

1. Getting a diamond ring.
2. Announcing your engagement.
3. Engagement Party.
4. Buying bridal magazines.
5. Showing off your ring to everyone.
6. Changing your Facebook Status.
7. Picking out wedding rings.
8. Cake Tasting.
9. Wedding Dress Shopping.
10. Taking your engagement pictures.
11. Getting RSVP cards in the mail everyday.
12. Bridal Shower.
13. Getting new lingerie at your bridal shower.
14. Bachelorette Parties.
15. Making homemade wine.
16. Having Wine Tasting Parties.
17. Picking your bridal party.
18. Asking your friends to be in your bridal party.
19. Having friends from away come home for your wedding.
20. Bonding with your girlfriends over wedding details.
21. Starting a registry at your favorite store.
22. Loosing weight to look awesome in your wedding dress.
23. Finding out that your dream venue is available on your date.
24. Planning for your honeymoon.
25. The anticipation of the big day.

I must admit that as much as I am looking forward to the big day I will miss being engaged and planning for this wedding. Here's to hoping that one of my friends will be next :)


About Me

Like I mentioned in my first post I have decided to enter the blogging world so for all the readers out there here are some random things about me:

1) I love to write: I have been writing in journals since I was young. Whenever something meaningful or sad happens I go to my journal to write.

2) I am Canadian and a true East Coast Girl. I love the East Coast and could never imagine living anywheres but the Maritimes. I currently live in Halifax and this city is big enough for me.

3) I love the Ocean and could never live far from it.My summer does not begin until I have been to the beach and taken my first ocean swim. Another reason why I love Nova Scotia.

4)I am also French Acadian. I have never really been proud of this fact until I have moved away from my small French Acadian Hometown and that I have learned so much more about my heritage. Now I feel very lucky to have been born and raised fully bilingual.

5) On August 21, 2010 I will be marrying my best friend.

6) I have 2 cats that I adore and treat like they are my own kids.

7) I love spending time with my friends and going home to see my family.

8) I love to read. I was an English major in University with dreams of being a teacher. I will read anything from classics, chick lit, fiction, biography, rock-biography`s as well as anything related to health and fitness and pop culture.

9) Some of my favorite books from each category from number 8 are: Jane Austen`s Pride and Prejudice and all her other novels, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare`s Twelve Night,Breakfast at Tiffany`s, The Catcher in The Rye, I'm With the Band by Pamela Des Barres and all books by Chuck Klosterman (especially Fargo Rock City).

10) I was part of a Book Club once where all we read was Rock Biography`s. Some of my favorites would have to be: Scar Tissue by Anothony Kiedis and The Dirt: The Biography of Motley Crue.

11) I love going to live concerts. One of my favorite live concerts would have to be The Rolling Stones. One band I am dying to see is Pearl Jam. My fiancé actually met Eddie Vedder and his family and I will be forever jealous because of this.

12) I feel bad every time for saying this (especially being a Canadian) but I hate Hockey.

13) I am a teacher but this year was considering changing my career. Some careers I considered (Personal Trainer and Wedding Planner).

14) I love wine and unwinding with a class of Merlot or Pino Grigio. I have started wine making this year and it has become one of my new favorite hobbies.

15) I don't have cable. I am the only person I know who does not have cable.

16) Would love to be able to travel more. I am currently considering the following places for a honeymoon: Hawaii, California and Italy. I doubt that any of these will actually happen considering my fiancé is afraid of flying but a girl can dream right?

17) I listen to the radio when I shower in the morning a good song can put me in a happy mood for the rest of the day.

18) I could not survive without Peanut Butter it is my favorite food.

19) I have crushes on celebrity`s with long hair (Josh Holloway, Matt Mays- just to name a few).

20) Working out and eating healthy are 2 things that are important to me. I was overweight as a teenager and both my parents are diabetic. My goal is to be healthy and not inherit this disease.

This is 20 things about me. Next week I will post some more random facts about me :D

Joining the blogging world

Hi everyone!

Im NikkiChikkiGirl and today is the day that I am officially joining this world of blogging. I am super excited to be starting my first blog. Blogging is something that I have wanted to start for some time now for many reasons yet hesitated on several occassions. Why you might ask? I didn't think I had anything important to say or had an interesting enough life worth reading. Then I thought..doesnt everybody have information or knowledge worth sharing. After talking to several close friends and expressing these concerns I was reassured that anyone can blog and even if I dont find my life or my adventures worth writing about then someone in the world might enjoy them. Starting my own blog has also been on my to-do list for way too long and today is the day that I get to cross that off my to-do list :)

In one month I will be celebrating a major milestone in my life. I will be getting married :D much of my blog will be about everything wedding since much of my life this past year has been revolved around wedding planning since the moment I got engaged in September 2009.

For all you readers out there with some concerns, no this will not be strictly a wedding blog but a blog about all things that I have lived, laughed or loved but for now until the wedding madness is over most of my blog post will revolve around all things related. Hope you enjoy. Cheers :)