
About Me

Like I mentioned in my first post I have decided to enter the blogging world so for all the readers out there here are some random things about me:

1) I love to write: I have been writing in journals since I was young. Whenever something meaningful or sad happens I go to my journal to write.

2) I am Canadian and a true East Coast Girl. I love the East Coast and could never imagine living anywheres but the Maritimes. I currently live in Halifax and this city is big enough for me.

3) I love the Ocean and could never live far from it.My summer does not begin until I have been to the beach and taken my first ocean swim. Another reason why I love Nova Scotia.

4)I am also French Acadian. I have never really been proud of this fact until I have moved away from my small French Acadian Hometown and that I have learned so much more about my heritage. Now I feel very lucky to have been born and raised fully bilingual.

5) On August 21, 2010 I will be marrying my best friend.

6) I have 2 cats that I adore and treat like they are my own kids.

7) I love spending time with my friends and going home to see my family.

8) I love to read. I was an English major in University with dreams of being a teacher. I will read anything from classics, chick lit, fiction, biography, rock-biography`s as well as anything related to health and fitness and pop culture.

9) Some of my favorite books from each category from number 8 are: Jane Austen`s Pride and Prejudice and all her other novels, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare`s Twelve Night,Breakfast at Tiffany`s, The Catcher in The Rye, I'm With the Band by Pamela Des Barres and all books by Chuck Klosterman (especially Fargo Rock City).

10) I was part of a Book Club once where all we read was Rock Biography`s. Some of my favorites would have to be: Scar Tissue by Anothony Kiedis and The Dirt: The Biography of Motley Crue.

11) I love going to live concerts. One of my favorite live concerts would have to be The Rolling Stones. One band I am dying to see is Pearl Jam. My fiancé actually met Eddie Vedder and his family and I will be forever jealous because of this.

12) I feel bad every time for saying this (especially being a Canadian) but I hate Hockey.

13) I am a teacher but this year was considering changing my career. Some careers I considered (Personal Trainer and Wedding Planner).

14) I love wine and unwinding with a class of Merlot or Pino Grigio. I have started wine making this year and it has become one of my new favorite hobbies.

15) I don't have cable. I am the only person I know who does not have cable.

16) Would love to be able to travel more. I am currently considering the following places for a honeymoon: Hawaii, California and Italy. I doubt that any of these will actually happen considering my fiancé is afraid of flying but a girl can dream right?

17) I listen to the radio when I shower in the morning a good song can put me in a happy mood for the rest of the day.

18) I could not survive without Peanut Butter it is my favorite food.

19) I have crushes on celebrity`s with long hair (Josh Holloway, Matt Mays- just to name a few).

20) Working out and eating healthy are 2 things that are important to me. I was overweight as a teenager and both my parents are diabetic. My goal is to be healthy and not inherit this disease.

This is 20 things about me. Next week I will post some more random facts about me :D

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